


An Introduction

I am a foreigner in Australia. I am slowly becoming accustomed to the characteristics (or maybe stereotypes) that make up a part of the Australian national identity. Through this process I am also learning about the assumptions others hold about me as a Canadian. I think it is "sweet as" that a medium like film can be studied and explored internationally. Further, I find it incredibly interesting that parallels can be drawn between ideas, frustrations, policies, and industries despite drastic cultural, political, economic, and social differences across the map. Australian and Canadian film are very similar both in monetary resources and regulations that strive to construct essences of nationhood and patriotism while trying to break into the international market. I hope that in studying film through an Australian lens I will gain insight into some of the issues and motivations that are pertinent to the film and television industries in my native country. Exploring the concepts behind what makes certain cinema inherently national provides a strong foundation for the understanding of why certain industries are booming while others are struggling to stay alive and remain both profitable and culturally worthwhile.

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